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Acts of Kindness

Public·5 Participants

I've removed the year from the group name because you can't put a time limit on Acts of Kindness :-) Hope everyone is doing well and finds a reason to make someone smile today.

Shannon D
July 5, 2022 · changed the group description.

Today is my birthday so I thought it would be a great time to make a conscious effort to perform some acts of kindness. I know I haven't been a complete narcissist up until this point, but I also know that I could be trying harder at helping others. Paying for the woman in line behind me at Dunks this morning felt good and I hope it put a smile on her face as well. Later today I'm going to check out some Amazon wish lists and see if I can spread a little more joy. Happy Friday everyone!

Even though I created the Acts of Kindness challenge, it has been hard to get it started only because I barely leave my house to do anything. But today it was easy to begin right from my keyboard. I donated to the American Cancer Society Daffodils Day campaign and I chose a Gift of Hope which will send a bunch of daffodils to a cancer patient at a local hospital. I tend to donate to a lot of causes, but this time it feels nicer since hopefully it will brighten someone's day!

Melissa Kennison


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